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  • Microfinance or Self Help Group

    Hi everyone,

    I am writing a desk-based research paper for my class on "impact of Microfinance (or Self Help Group) on women's income generation". Also, looking at other variables like education, occupation, etc. Is there any way I can find primary Stata data on this?

    Online papers have synthesized data that I am not allowed to use. Please help me if you know any sources where I can access STATA files or primary data with the author's permission.

    Thank you so much for your time.

  • #2
    I'm not understanding the issue. Synthesized data? What is this? Why does this preclude you from using it?

    Much to every analyst on here's dismay, cleanly formatted Stata data rarely exists in the wilderness. My advice to you is to get your hands really dirty. Find people who've written similar papers and email them. People are more willing to share their data than you's originally suspect.

