Dear Statalist users,
we are planning a multicenter randomized non-inferiority trial investing two types of oral antibiotics for febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) with clinical cure as the primary outcome (NCT 05224401).
I am struggling with the statistical analysis plan. I would like to use a random effect/intercept for site and a fixed effect for sex (because females are considered easier to treat for febrile UTI compared to men) and I would like to have the results appear as absolute risk difference with 95% confidence interval. I know of a similar trial that I believe used GEE in R for this purpose (PMID 34756180) but I am struggling to specify the correct version of commands and code in Stata. I have tried using meglm, xtgee and binreg, but I am unable to get exactly what I want with either of these three.
- Doesn't give me risk difference
- Doesn't give me risk difference
- No random effect/intercept for site
I am also hesitant as to how such an analysis should affect the sample size calculation. So far I have only conducted a simple sample size calculation for a test of non-inferiority between two proportions using the "ssi" command, but I imagine that this is not completely translatable to an analysis including both random and fixed effects (and I fear that the only way out is to simulate, which is probably beyond my competence).
- Doesn't take into account random and fixed effects in primary analysis?
I am very grateful for any advice!
Best regards,
Jonas Tverring
M.D, Ph.D., Specialist in Infectious Diseases
Helsingborg hospital
Lund University
we are planning a multicenter randomized non-inferiority trial investing two types of oral antibiotics for febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) with clinical cure as the primary outcome (NCT 05224401).
I am struggling with the statistical analysis plan. I would like to use a random effect/intercept for site and a fixed effect for sex (because females are considered easier to treat for febrile UTI compared to men) and I would like to have the results appear as absolute risk difference with 95% confidence interval. I know of a similar trial that I believe used GEE in R for this purpose (PMID 34756180) but I am struggling to specify the correct version of commands and code in Stata. I have tried using meglm, xtgee and binreg, but I am unable to get exactly what I want with either of these three.
meglm cure trt sex || site: , cov(un) eform family(bernoulli) link(logit)
xtset site xtgee cure trt sex , family(binomial) link(identity) nolog eform
binreg cure trt sex , rd
I am also hesitant as to how such an analysis should affect the sample size calculation. So far I have only conducted a simple sample size calculation for a test of non-inferiority between two proportions using the "ssi" command, but I imagine that this is not completely translatable to an analysis including both random and fixed effects (and I fear that the only way out is to simulate, which is probably beyond my competence).
ssi 0.93 0.10, alpha(0.025) power(0.9) noninferiority
I am very grateful for any advice!
Best regards,
Jonas Tverring
M.D, Ph.D., Specialist in Infectious Diseases
Helsingborg hospital
Lund University