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  • calculating bmi

    So I am trying to create BMI classes according to the WHO classification.

    My database currently has BMI, HEIGHT (CM), Weight (KG) stored as string variables

    So I decided to
    1. Encode and create BMI variable which I can work with and then convert into classes as per WHO..

    The following code:

    encode primarybmi, gen (NewBMI)

    *Generating BMI groups*

    gen BmiGroup = 0

    replace BmiGroup = . if NewBMI ==.

    replace BmiGroup = 1 if NewBMI <18.5

    replace BmiGroup = 2 if NewBMI >=18.5 & NewBMI <=24.9

    replace BmiGroup = 3 if NewBMI >=25.0 & NewBMI <=29.9

    replace BmiGroup = 4 if NewBMI >=30.0 & NewBMI <=34.9

    replace BmiGroup = 5 if NewBMI >=35.0 & NewBMI <=39.9

    replace BmiGroup = 6 if NewBMI >=40 & !missing(NewBMI)

    However, the problem I have values in the Bmigroup being incorrectly labelled as 6 when they don’t fall in the 6 category - they should for example be 4.

    I don’t understand why this is happening.

    I then tried to Calculate the BMI myself rather than use the database’s BMI so I tried this:

    encode height, gen(NewHeight)

    encode weight, gen(NewWeight)

    generate Newbmi = NewWeight/ (NewHeight /100)^2

    However, I have got values that do not make sense

    eg. with

    NewHeight: 173

    NewWeight: 68


    Newbmi: 285.66

    This should read as 22.7

    What am I doing wrong?

  • #2
    To quote the helpfile from encode:

    Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as strings; instead, use generate newvar = real(varname) or destring
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz

