I am new to this forum. I hope you are all well.
I am using a fixed effects model to find out the effects of transitioning in and out of the labour market on mental health scores. My supervisor has advised me to include region level (urban or rural) dummies as well as yearly level dummies (I have 7 waves of data). My thought process so far would be to create a dummy for urban/rural - taking 1 if ==urban, 0 otherwise. And for the yearly dummies, to create 7 dummies, for example w1 if ==year 1, 0 otherwise. and then adding all these variables to my regression. Is this a logical way of going about this? Thank you.
I am new to this forum. I hope you are all well.
I am using a fixed effects model to find out the effects of transitioning in and out of the labour market on mental health scores. My supervisor has advised me to include region level (urban or rural) dummies as well as yearly level dummies (I have 7 waves of data). My thought process so far would be to create a dummy for urban/rural - taking 1 if ==urban, 0 otherwise. And for the yearly dummies, to create 7 dummies, for example w1 if ==year 1, 0 otherwise. and then adding all these variables to my regression. Is this a logical way of going about this? Thank you.