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  • Combining Panel Data

    Hi all,

    It's come time to combine my data across years for comparison. I have a data set that contains the Household ID and the individual ID for all 3 years (as shown below) however these are string variables and differ across years.
    I've tried:
    encode y2_hhid, gen(HHnum2)
    egen id = concat(HHnum2 indidy2)
    To try and create a unique id that would identify the household and individual across years, however this doesn't seem to match up or have a recognisable connection when done separately for each year.

    Each separate dataset tends to have for example y2_hhid and the previous y1_hhid to help identify (also shown below).

    Dataset with three years ID:
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input int UPI3 str14 y1_hhid byte indidy1 str16 y2_hhid byte indidy2 str8 y3_hhid byte indidy3
     1 "55020180210078" 1 "5502018021007801" 1 "3924-001"  1
     2 "55020180210068" 1 "5502018021006801" 1 "3922-001"  1
     3 "55020180210068" 2 "5502018021006801" 2 "3922-001"  2
     4 "55020180210068" 3 "5502018021006801" 3 "3922-001"  3
     6 "55020180210068" 5 "5502018021006801" 4 "3922-001"  4
     7 "55020180210068" 6 "5502018021006801" 5 "3922-001"  5
     8 "55020180210068" 7 "5502018021006807" 4 "3923-001"  4
    10 "55020180210068" 9 "5502018021006801" 6 "3922-001"  6
    12 "55020180210059" 2 "5502018021005902" 1 "3920-001"  1
    13 "55020180210059" 3 "5502018021005902" 4 "3920-001"  4
    14 "55020180210059" 4 "5502018021005902" 2 "3920-001"  2
    15 "55020180210059" 5 "5502018021005905" 8 "3921-001"  8
    16 "55020180210058" 1 "5502018021005801" 1 "3919-001"  1
    17 "55020180210058" 2 "5502018021005801" 2 "3919-001"  2
    18 "55020180210058" 3 "5502018021005801" 3 "3919-001"  3
    19 "55020180210058" 4 "5502018021005801" 4 "3919-001"  4
    20 "55020180210058" 5 "5502018021005801" 5 "3919-005" 10
    21 "55020180210058" 6 "5502018021005801" 6 "3919-005"  3
    23 "55020180210058" 8 "5502018021005801" 7 "3919-001"  5
    25 "55020180210054" 1 "5502018021005401" 1 "3918-001"  1
    26 "55020180210054" 2 "5502018021005401" 2 "3918-001"  2
    27 "55020180210054" 3 "5502018021005401" 3 "3918-001"  3
    28 "55020180210054" 4 "5502018021005401" 4 "3918-001"  4
    29 "55020180210042" 1 "5502018021004201" 1 "3917-001"  1
    30 "55020180210042" 2 "5502018021004201" 2 "3917-001"  2
    32 "55020180210034" 1 "5502018021003401" 1 "3916-001"  1
    33 "55020180210034" 2 "5502018021003401" 2 "3916-001"  2
    34 "55020180210034" 3 "5502018021003401" 3 "3916-001"  3
    35 "55020180210034" 4 "5502018021003401" 4 "3916-001"  4
    36 "55020180210034" 5 "5502018021003401" 5 "3916-001"  5
    label var UPI3 "Unique Panel Identifier NPSY3" 
    label var y1_hhid "Unique HH Identifier" 
    label var indidy1 "SBMEMNO: MEMBER NUMBER" 
    label var y2_hhid "Unique Year 2 HH ID" 
    label var indidy2 "Individual ID" 
    label var y3_hhid "Unique Household Identification NPS Y3" 
    label var indidy3 "Individual ID"

    Dataset for y2_hhid:
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input str16 y2_hhid str14 y1_hhid byte(indidy2 hh_b02) int hh_b04
    "0101014002017101" "01010140020171"  1 1 70
    "0101014002017101" "01010140020171"  2 2 60
    "0101014002017101" "01010140020171"  3 1 27
    "0101014002017101" "01010140020171"  4 1 20
    "0101014002017101" "01010140020171"  5 2  8
    "0101014002028401" "01010140020284"  1 1 38
    "0101014002028401" "01010140020284"  2 2 22
    "0101014002028401" "01010140020284"  3 2  4
    "0101014002028401" "01010140020284"  4 2  0
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  1 1 52
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  2 2 46
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  3 2 28
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  4 1 15
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  5 1 12
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  6 2 10
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  7 1  7
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  8 1  2
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297"  9 2  5
    "0101014002029701" "01010140020297" 10 2 18
    "0101014002029704" "01010140020297"  1 1  .
    "0101014002029704" "01010140020297"  2 2 35
    "0101014002029704" "01010140020297"  3 2 11
    "0101014002029704" "01010140020297"  4 2  8
    "0101014002029704" "01010140020297"  5 2  5
    "0101014002029704" "01010140020297"  6 2  1
    "0101014002029704" "01010140020297"  7 2 18
    "0101014002029704" "01010140020297"  8 1 23
    "0101014002040901" "01010140020409"  1 1 32
    "0101014002040901" "01010140020409"  2 2 27
    "0101014002040901" "01010140020409"  3 1  8
    label values hh_b02 hh_b02
    label def hh_b02 1 "Male", modify
    label def hh_b02 2 "Female", modify
    label var y2_hhid "Unique Year 2 HH ID" 
    label var y1_hhid "Full household identification from NPS year 1" 
    label var indidy2 "Individual ID" 
    label var hh_b02 "Sex" 
    label var hh_b04 "How old is [NAME]?"

    Any help would be much appreciated I think the main thing I'm struggling is successfully cleaning the data first. I have experimented with merge and append but can't seem to get anywhere.


  • #2
    I am reluctant to draw general conclusions from these relatively small data examples, but it looks like the variable UPI3 provides a consistent unique identifier for individuals in all waves of the sample, and that the first example data set you show provides a crosswalk between that and the individual and household identifier numbers used for that person in the various years of the survey. If the variable UPI3 also appears in the three wave-specific data sets, then you should just use that as the identifier. If UPI3 does not appear in the wave-specific data sets, then you should create new wave-specific data sets that incorporate it. You would do that by doing a 1:1 merge between your first example data set and each wave specific data set, bringing in UPI3. So something like this (not tested):
    forvalues w = 1/3 {
        use dataset_for_wave_`w', clear
        merge  1:1 y`w'_hhid indidy`w' using first_example_data_set, keep(match master) keepusing(UPI3) nogenerate
        save enhanced_dataset_for_wave_`w', replace
    Once that is done, you have data sets with a compatible identifier. And then you can combine them. If these are three waves of a survey, it is probably most sensible to combine them with -append-, not -merge-, assuming that most of the questions asked overlap in all three waves. If largely different questions were asked in the three different waves, then -merge-ing them would make more sense.

    Off hand, I don't see the utility of the -encode- and -egen, concat()- commands you issued, although perhaps those may prove useful in some other context.

