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  • Panel moderation

    Dear stata expert.
    I use STATA 16 MP and now I do panel moderation (IV : number of chronic disease (cdcount), DV: Health related quality of life (qol1), moderator : unmet healthcare needs (unmet need - with unmet need =1, without unmet needs=0)
    I use 2way fixed model to see the effect (unit is individual, year from 2015 to 2018)

    xtreg qol1 c.cdcount##i.unmetneed c.age i.female b1.working hh_inc i.che40 b1.onepersonhousehold i.subjectivehealth i.moderateactivity i.medicalaid i.year i.P, fe vce(cl PIDWON)

    and there is a statistically significant moderation effect in the table.

    However, when I draw marginal effect graph as below, CI is overlapping, meaning no significant interaction

    So, what should be interpreted as this moderation effect?

    Thanks in advance for your help, it would be greatly appreciated!

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    Last edited by Suyeon Ban; 16 Mar 2022, 09:12.