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  • Difference-in-means with weights and clusters


    I am attempting to construct a difference in means table of the following format.
    Mean group 1 Mean group 2 Difference in means (with se)
    var 1
    var 2
    var 3
    var 4
    var 5
    I first assumed the use of a ttest, however it appears this does not allow for the inclusion of weights or clustered standard errors, which I wish to include. A regression of the variable on group dummy seems to generate a coefficient equal to the difference in means.

    I was wondering if anyone could let me know how I could combine all these values into a table as shown above? The individual means, followed by the regression coefficients (indicating difference in means) and the corresponding standard errors?

    Many thanks!

  • #2
    you want the -table- command - this is quite complicated and I suggest you start with Chuck Huber's 7-part blog:

    note that #4 in that series is specifically on combining test results into one table

