I have read many posts about variable omitted because of collinearity but still can't solve my problem. I have a panel data from 2010-2019, I want to run xtreg with firm and year fixed effects. The regression model looks like this
where the DV is industry adjusted value of subsidy in year t+1, two main IVs are v_first (=1 if the firm is first time be in certain status) and H_subsidy (=1 if the firm's subsidy is above industry median in a year), they both are dummies. When I run regression, stata tells me v_first and the interaction term v_first*H_subsidy are omitted because of collinearity. I think this is probably because there is too little v_first =1 in the sample?
So I wonder:
1. what causes the collinearity problem, if it is possible to tell.
2. If I do need v_first in the regression, how to solve the collinearity problem.
Thanks a lot for any suggestions!
I have read many posts about variable omitted because of collinearity but still can't solve my problem. I have a panel data from 2010-2019, I want to run xtreg with firm and year fixed effects. The regression model looks like this
xtreg F.ind_adj_subsidy i.v_first##i.H_subsidy controls i.year, fe vce(robust)
xttab v_first Overall Between Within v_first | Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Percent ----------+----------------------------------------------------- 0 | 20613 98.46 3177 95.78 98.41 1 | 323 1.54 323 9.74 58.96 ----------+----------------------------------------------------- Total | 20936 100.00 3500 105.52 94.77 xttab H_subsidy Overall Between Within H_subsidy | Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Percent ----------+----------------------------------------------------- 0 | 10953 52.32 2556 77.06 68.98 1 | 9983 47.68 2441 73.59 63.66 ----------+----------------------------------------------------- Total | 20936 100.00 4997 150.65 66.38
1. what causes the collinearity problem, if it is possible to tell.
2. If I do need v_first in the regression, how to solve the collinearity problem.
Thanks a lot for any suggestions!