Dear All,
I am running a probit regression with sample selection. Here, the parameter rho is supposed to indicate the presence of sample selection. As my data has a complex survey design, I am using the svy prefix with subpop() option.
However, when I run the model, I am not getting the Wald test results for rho. I understand lrtest can't be performed in the presence of weights, but not sure why a Wald test result is not available as well.
For instance when I run the following (hypothetical example):
In both, instances, I got either the likelihood test or Wald test results in the end.
But when I run:
In neither case, I am getting the Wald test results. I tried testparm _b[rho] as well but turns out it is stored as a scalar.
Please kindly assist. Thank you in advance.
I am running a probit regression with sample selection. Here, the parameter rho is supposed to indicate the presence of sample selection. As my data has a complex survey design, I am using the svy prefix with subpop() option.
However, when I run the model, I am not getting the Wald test results for rho. I understand lrtest can't be performed in the presence of weights, but not sure why a Wald test result is not available as well.
For instance when I run the following (hypothetical example):
webuse nhanes2f svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid) heckprob heartatk black zinc age age2 weight, select(rural = female orace ) heckprob heartatk black zinc age age2 weight, select(rural = female orace ) vce(robust)
But when I run:
svy: heckprob heartatk black zinc age age2 weight, select(rural = female orace ) svy, subpop(black ): heckprob heartatk zinc age age2 weight, select(rural = female orace )
Please kindly assist. Thank you in advance.