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  • Merge variables in excel files by pairing _id

    Hello, stata community!

    I'd like to ask if it's there any way(like using loop) to merge variables from excel files in a folder into one excel file. there are 2 conditions. Between excel files, if _id doesn't match => take it to a new file. If _id matches, merge or gather those into 1 excel file.
    Thank in advance!
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  • #2
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by "if _id doesn't match" -- my assumption is that it means some Excel files in a directory do contain a variable called _id, while others don't. I also assume that, for all files with an _id variable, that variable is a unique identifier (e.g. does not repeat across observations). Any files with an _id which is not a unique identifier are excluded from the merge(s).

    Here is some code which will import all Excel files one by one, merge those with a uniquely identifying _id variable, and export an Excel file containing the results.

    clear all
    cd "<YOUR PATH HERE>"
    local files: dir . files "*.xlsx"
    local i = 0
    foreach file of local files{
        import excel "`file'", clear firstrow
        capture confirm variable _id
        if !_rc{
            capture isid _id
            if !_rc{
                local ++i
                if `i' == 1 tempfile wanted
                else merge 1:1 _id using `wanted', nogen
                save `wanted', replace
    use `wanted', clear
    export excel wanted.xlsx, firstrow(variables) replace
    Last edited by Ali Atia; 14 Mar 2022, 21:47.


    • #3
      Hello Ali Atia! Thank you so much for your effort! And also sorry for my bad english! It means that _id of the observation may or may not in those excel file. so if 2 excel files contains of the same _id, I want it to be in a new excel file with other variables.

