Dear all,
I need to check if there are country differences in a given cross-sectional data for 15 countries.
I need some help here please because I don't want the country dummies like this "Icountry_" but name of the countries.
If I use the command tabulate I can see the country names. So how can I proceed? Best regards.
. xi: regress l_currwage if female==0 _Icountry_1-17 (naturally coded; _Icountry_1 omitted)
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 11,496
-------------+---------------------------------- F(13, 11482) = 912.72
Model | 3249.68573 13 249.975826 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 3144.68236 11,482 .273879321 R-squared = 0.5082
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.5077
Total | 6394.36809 11,495 .556273866 Root MSE = .52333
l_currwage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
_Icountry_2 | -.1053162 .0233258 -4.51 0.000 -.1510388 -.0595935
_Icountry_3 | .3190945 .0308593 10.34 0.000 .2586051 .3795839
_Icountry_4 | .4828259 .0272102 17.74 0.000 .4294894 .5361625
_Icountry_5 | .70259 .0266292 26.38 0.000 .6503921 .7547878
_Icountry_6 | .4340455 .0235751 18.41 0.000 .3878342 .4802568
_Icountry_7 | .4322194 .0290047 14.90 0.000 .3753652 .4890736
_Icountry_8 | .4741311 .0256151 18.51 0.000 .4239211 .5243412
_Icountry_10 | .8004014 .0261061 30.66 0.000 .7492289 .8515738
_Icountry_11 | -.7822046 .0203266 -38.48 0.000 -.8220481 -.742361
_Icountry_12 | .1948256 .0238843 8.16 0.000 .1480083 .2416429
_Icountry_15 | -.1936727 .0400545 -4.84 0.000 -.2721862 -.1151591
_Icountry_16 | .4679915 .0288625 16.21 0.000 .4114161 .524567
_Icountry_17 | -.5484833 .0368746 -14.87 0.000 -.6207637 -.4762028
_cons | 7.447691 .0175029 425.51 0.000 7.413382 7.481999
I need to check if there are country differences in a given cross-sectional data for 15 countries.
I need some help here please because I don't want the country dummies like this "Icountry_" but name of the countries.
If I use the command tabulate I can see the country names. So how can I proceed? Best regards.
. xi: regress l_currwage if female==0 _Icountry_1-17 (naturally coded; _Icountry_1 omitted)
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 11,496
-------------+---------------------------------- F(13, 11482) = 912.72
Model | 3249.68573 13 249.975826 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 3144.68236 11,482 .273879321 R-squared = 0.5082
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.5077
Total | 6394.36809 11,495 .556273866 Root MSE = .52333
l_currwage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
_Icountry_2 | -.1053162 .0233258 -4.51 0.000 -.1510388 -.0595935
_Icountry_3 | .3190945 .0308593 10.34 0.000 .2586051 .3795839
_Icountry_4 | .4828259 .0272102 17.74 0.000 .4294894 .5361625
_Icountry_5 | .70259 .0266292 26.38 0.000 .6503921 .7547878
_Icountry_6 | .4340455 .0235751 18.41 0.000 .3878342 .4802568
_Icountry_7 | .4322194 .0290047 14.90 0.000 .3753652 .4890736
_Icountry_8 | .4741311 .0256151 18.51 0.000 .4239211 .5243412
_Icountry_10 | .8004014 .0261061 30.66 0.000 .7492289 .8515738
_Icountry_11 | -.7822046 .0203266 -38.48 0.000 -.8220481 -.742361
_Icountry_12 | .1948256 .0238843 8.16 0.000 .1480083 .2416429
_Icountry_15 | -.1936727 .0400545 -4.84 0.000 -.2721862 -.1151591
_Icountry_16 | .4679915 .0288625 16.21 0.000 .4114161 .524567
_Icountry_17 | -.5484833 .0368746 -14.87 0.000 -.6207637 -.4762028
_cons | 7.447691 .0175029 425.51 0.000 7.413382 7.481999