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  • Random effects do not adjust in reshape mixed models (within group differences)

    Hello everyone,

    We are working with a score (ranged from 0 to 14, ich_total_T*) in a clinical trial. We have 3 different groups (Control, Intervención Corta and Intervención Larga) and three different time-points (baseline, first follow-up and second follow-up). We are obtaining the score change over time, between and within groups, and our problem is in the change within groups.

    1. We generate a variable which is the difference between the score in the second follow-up and the score in the baseline (gen ichdif_T2T0= ich_total_T2-ich_total_T0) and we obtain these crude mean differences:

    tab EstadoT0, sum(ichdif_T2T0)

    | Summary of ichdif_T2T0
    EstadoT0 | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
    Control | -.30054496 1.8938961 367
    Intervención corta | -.34625 1.8893883 400
    Intervención larga | -.06280488 1.7489841 328
    Total | -.2460274 1.8522985 1,095

    However, we want to obtain these differences from mixed models in order to adjust from some relevant variables in our study (random effects such as municipality and school). In order to do that:

    2. We make a reshape with our variable of interest:

    reshape long ich_total_T , i(id) j(Tiempo)
    (note: j = 0 1 2)

    Data wide -> long
    Number of obs. 1326 -> 3978
    Number of variables 690 -> 689
    j variable (3 values) -> Tiempo
    xij variables:
    ich_total_T0 ich_total_T1 ich_total_T2 -> ich_total_T

    3. Then, we obtain the difference between the score in the second follow-up and the score in the baseline (adjusting by municipality, school and children ID):

    mixed ich_total_ i.Tiempo if Tratamiento==1 & Tiempo!=1 & Seguimiento_ichtotalT0T2==1|| ZoneT0:|| IDST0:|| id:
    Note: Seguimiento_ichtotalT0T2==1 is a variable used to select only individuals with data at baseline and at first follow up and Tratamiento==1 is the Control group.

    Performing EM optimization:

    Performing gradient-based optimization:

    Iteration 0: log likelihood = -1390.9927
    Iteration 1: log likelihood = -1390.9421
    Iteration 2: log likelihood = -1390.9409
    Iteration 3: log likelihood = -1390.9409

    Computing standard errors:

    Mixed-effects ML regression Number of obs = 734

    | No. of Observations per Group
    Group Variable | Groups Minimum Average Maximum
    ZoneT0 | 2 160 367.0 574
    IDST0 | 8 44 91.8 138
    id | 367 2 2.0 2

    Wald chi2(1) = 9.27
    Log likelihood = -1390.9409 Prob > chi2 = 0.0023

    ich_total_T | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    Tiempo |
    2ºFollow up T2 | -.300545 .0987258 -3.04 0.002 -.494044 -.107046
    _cons | 10.55242 .1540566 68.50 0.000 10.25048 10.85437

    Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
    ZoneT0: Identity |
    var(_cons) | 1.60e-12 . . .
    IDST0: Identity |
    var(_cons) | .1275942 .0836116 .0353219 .4609113
    id: Identity |
    var(_cons) | .9260181 .151003 .6726925 1.274742
    var(Residual) | 1.788534 .132032 1.547606 2.06697
    LR test vs. linear model: chi2(3) = 68.24 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

    Note: LR test is conservative and provided only for reference.

    As you can see, the mean difference in this model and the crude mean difference is the same (-0.300545). This also happens in the Intervención Corta and Intervención Larga groups. We think that this mixed model is not adjusting by our random effects. What do you think that the problem is?

    3. Moreover, in order to see if the random effects have an effect in our model, we also study the between groups differences (without the reshape) doing: mixed ichdif_T2T0 i.Tratamiento|| ZoneT0:|| IDST0:
    And we make a margins in this model to obtain the mean differences within groups and with this result:

    margins i. Tratamiento

    Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1,095

    Expression : Linear prediction, fixed portion, predict()

    | Delta-method
    | Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    Tratamiento |
    Control | -.5110921 .3596001 -1.42 0.155 -1.215895 .1937111
    Short Intervention | -.4115677 .3562268 -1.16 0.248 -1.10976 .286624
    Long Intervention | -.2760756 .3608734 -0.77 0.444 -.9833744 .4312233

    As you can see, the results are quite different because we think that in this model the adjustment by random effects is done. However, we think that the results from the margins in this model and the ones from the reshape should be similar. Is this approach correct? What can be our the problem?

    Important remark: this problem does not happen only with these date, we made similar models with other data and the problem remains, so we think it can be a methodological/technical problem rather than a specific problem with the data. We are using Stata 15.

    Last edited by Jesus Martinez Gomez; 14 Mar 2022, 06:14.

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