HI all, I'd like to export the below results (specifically the column for RACETHM_n, proportion, lb and ub) to excel. It seems there are many options such as putexcel, tabout, esttab. Could someone suggest some code I could try to get these into excel?
Many thanks in advance for any advice.
Many thanks in advance for any advice.
. svy, subpop(DGRDG_n1): tabulate RACETHM_n, ci level(90) (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 1,311 Population size = 252,142.35 Subpop. no. obs = 547 Subpop. size = 113,793.95 Replications = 320 Design df = 319 ---------------------------------------------- RACETHM_n | proportion lb ub ----------+----------------------------------- AsianNHO | .078 .0527 .1138 AIAN | 7.3e-05 1.0e-05 5.1e-04 Black | .0423 .018 .0965 Hispanic | .0695 .0368 .1274 White | .7969 .7237 .8546 MR | .0132 .0056 .0306 | Total | 1 ---------------------------------------------- Key: proportion = cell proportion lb = lower 90% confidence bound for cell proportion ub = upper 90% confidence bound for cell proportion