I am using the user-created command coefplot (http://repec.sowi.unibe.ch/stata/coe...g-started.html) to graph coefficient plots, and I am using a baseline year as a comparison. I'd like this baseline's dot to have a different color so that it's clear that it's not an actual estimate.
The baselevel option is the one that shows the coefficient for the reference year (2003). I've tried something like (baselevel, mcolor(red)), where I get "invalid 'mcolor'". Another way I could think of doing it is running the original regression, storing those estimates, and then running a regression that only graphs the baseline and then laying them on top of each other. But I think in this case, the graphs would end up next to each other rather than on top each other (like in the one from this example: https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...ious-estimates)
What's the best way to change the color of just the coefficient for the reference category?
Thank you in advance!
I am using the user-created command coefplot (http://repec.sowi.unibe.ch/stata/coe...g-started.html) to graph coefficient plots, and I am using a baseline year as a comparison. I'd like this baseline's dot to have a different color so that it's clear that it's not an actual estimate.
reghdfe lhsvar ib0.1##ib2003.year ///
control1 control2 control3, ///
absorb(country) vce(cluster country#year)
coefplot, keep(1.1#*year) baselevel ///
vertical xlabel(, angle(90)) ylabel(, angle(90)) yline(0) omittedlevels(99 95 90) ///
ciopts(color(red green blue)) ///
xtitle("year") ytitle("coefficient") ///
xline(5, lpattern(solid) lcolor(black)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) ///
recast(connected) lpattern(dash) xlabel(, angle(90))
What's the best way to change the color of just the coefficient for the reference category?
Thank you in advance!