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  • Graphs for categorical variables

    Hello everyone,

    I am trying to create a bar graph for the number of people (or percentage of people) with high education by region (and sector) using a code
     graph bar (mean) high_qual, by(region, total)
    However, Stata gives an error term "factor-variable operators not allowed r(101)". Since the data is coded into numbers for each region and type of qualification, I am struggling to create meaningful graphs in general.

    Hence my question is - is there a way of creating de-coded graphs for non-numerical data, such that instead of numbers you see categories?

    Hope my question makes sense! Thank you in advance

  • #2
    Data example please. But (mean) isn't going to give you counts or sums. It will give you proportions (fractions) if the original variable is (0, 1).


    • #3
      Thank you, Nick Cox! Let's say if I used the tabulation command and want to represent the below data on a graph (e.g. a bar chart), how can I do that?

      -> tabulation of high_qual by region  
      | Key            |
      |   frequency    |
      | row percentage |
                  Highest |
           qualification, |
             UKHLS & BHPS |                           Government Office Region
                  samples | North Eas  North Wes  Yorkshire  East Midl  West Midl  East of E     London |     Total
                   Degree |     3,030      8,997      6,824      5,719      7,054      8,075     17,209 |    95,592 
                          |      3.17       9.41       7.14       5.98       7.38       8.45      18.00 |    100.00 
      Other higher degree |     1,465      4,632      3,453      3,246      3,615      3,760      4,789 |    45,166 
                          |      3.24      10.26       7.65       7.19       8.00       8.32      10.60 |    100.00 
              A-level etc |     3,231      8,318      6,989      6,388      6,472      6,478      9,409 |    81,845 
                          |      3.95      10.16       8.54       7.80       7.91       7.91      11.50 |    100.00 
                 GCSE etc |     3,084      8,000      7,185      6,216      6,480      7,146      7,847 |    78,511 
                          |      3.93      10.19       9.15       7.92       8.25       9.10       9.99 |    100.00 
      Other qualification |     1,317      3,392      3,022      2,956      3,187      3,114      3,799 |    35,122 
                          |      3.75       9.66       8.60       8.42       9.07       8.87      10.82 |    100.00 
         No qualification |     1,734      4,683      4,354      3,668      4,668      3,701      4,535 |    47,835 
                          |      3.62       9.79       9.10       7.67       9.76       7.74       9.48 |    100.00 
                    Total |    13,861     38,022     31,827     28,193     31,476     32,274     47,588 |   384,071 
                          |      3.61       9.90       8.29       7.34       8.20       8.40      12.39 |    100.00


      • #4
        graph bar can do that. Also catplot (SSC), tabplot (Stata Journal), etc. Many, many examples in this forum,

        For what we mean by data example, please see

        The output from

        contract region high_qual
        would work well enough,
        Last edited by Nick Cox; 11 Mar 2022, 11:54.


        • #5
          right, thank you so much for your help - really appreciate it! Nick Cox

