Originally posted by Lucy Hiscox
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. . . you mentioned before how "The likelihood-ratio test is of the Treatment × Time interaction. It is statistical evidence (confirmation) that the temporal profile of the outcome variables differs between treatment groups (exercise treatment versus control treatment)." Which is what we get from AIMS 1 and 2. Is that correct?
The first graph you provided - it is completely random how participants recruited later are slightly older.
Also, the second graph you provided (participant accession number vs Flanker RT). I can't see how that would be a learning effect given how each participant is independent.
Originally posted by Lucy Hiscox
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3) LR test - I think that is essentially the same as the mixed command?
4) . . . is there also a way to say "changes in MRI correspond with changes in Cognition" overall in both groups - as an overall summary.
version 17.0 clear * quietly input byte(pid trt sex) double age byte tim double(bmu sr) /// int(flanker_c_rt flanker_inc_rt stroop_c_rt stroop_inc_rt) [elided for brevity] end label define Treatments 0 "Control" 1 "Experimental" label values trt Treatments label define Sexes 0 F 1 M label values sex Sexes label variable bmu "MRI Mu Score" rename sr sim label variable sim "Simon Task Score" rename flanker_c_rt fcr label variable fcr "Flanker Congruent RT" rename flanker_inc_rt fir label variable fir "Flanker Incongurent RT" rename stroop_c_rt scr label variable scr "Stroop Congruent RT" rename stroop_inc_rt sir label variable sir "Stroop Incongruent RT" foreach var of varlist bmu-sir { quietly regress `var' i.trt##i.tim i.sex c.age quietly margins trt#tim if "`var'" == "bmu" local format %4.2f else if "`var'" == "sim" local format %03.1f else local format %3.0f local ytitle : variable label `var' if inlist("`var'", "bmu", "sim", "fcr") local xtitle else local xtitle Session quietly marginsplot , xdimension(tim) noci /// title("") legend(off) /// ytitle(`ytitle') ylabel( , format(`format') angle(horizontal) nogrid) /// xtitle("`xtitle'") /// plot1opts(lcolor(black) msymbol(none)) /// plot2opts(lcolor(black) lpattern(dash) msymbol(none)) /// name(`var') local graph_list `graph_list' `var' } graph combine `graph_list' quietly graph export Summary.png, replace exit