I am trying to graph a correlation matrix. Im using "heatplot" command and it's fine. But when I try to add the "by" command it gives me an error. this is my code: heatplot corrmatrix , values(format(%4.3f) size(small)) legend(off) color(lch,diverging) by(sex,total) before this is the correlation : pwcorr Nvariables and then i am name the matrix ; matrix corrmatrix = r(C) is there another way to graph a correlation matrix by a variable?
I am trying to graph a correlation matrix. Im using "heatplot" command and it's fine. But when I try to add the "by" command it gives me an error. this is my code: heatplot corrmatrix , values(format(%4.3f) size(small)) legend(off) color(lch,diverging) by(sex,total) before this is the correlation : pwcorr Nvariables and then i am name the matrix ; matrix corrmatrix = r(C) is there another way to graph a correlation matrix by a variable?