Good morning,
I am having a bit of trouble to create a table reporting selected coefficients that I am obtaining from different estimation models. In addition, each of the estimation uses different dependent variables. Below is what I am trying to do
*Run programm appendmodels using Ben Jann's dofile
The table that I obtained has two columns as expected but the coefficients are not matched
So I have the following questions in case some Stata user can help me:
1 - How can find the right code to have a table with two columns but only three ATE rows?
2 - How can I change the ATE name to ATE_Y1, ATE_Y2 and ATE_Y3? Should I do it by changing the rownames in matrix r(coefs)?
Thank you very much for your help.
I am having a bit of trouble to create a table reporting selected coefficients that I am obtaining from different estimation models. In addition, each of the estimation uses different dependent variables. Below is what I am trying to do
*RA regression foreach depvar of var Y1 Y2 Y3{ local covariates X1 X2 X3 eststo `depvar'_ra:teffects ra (`depvar' `covariates') (T), atet }
*OLS regression foreach depvar of var Y1 Y2 Y3{ local covariates X1 X2 X3 eststo `depvar'_ols:reg depvar' T `covariates' }
do "$dofile/"
eststo dimensions_ra: appendmodels Y1_ra Y2_ra Y3_ra eststo dimensions_ols: appendmodels Y1_ols Y2_ols Y3_ols
esttab dimensions_ra dimensions_ols, compress keep (r1vs0.T T) /// coef ( r1vs0.T "ATE" T "ATE") mtitles("RA" "OLS")
(1) (2) RA OLS main ATE -0.260** (-3.03) ATE -0.652*** (-5.54) ATE -0.825*** (-8.12) ATE -0.342** (-3.11) ATE -0.680*** (-6.79) ATE -1.048*** (-9.60) ATE -0.473*** (-3.63) t statistics in parentheses * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
1 - How can find the right code to have a table with two columns but only three ATE rows?
2 - How can I change the ATE name to ATE_Y1, ATE_Y2 and ATE_Y3? Should I do it by changing the rownames in matrix r(coefs)?
Thank you very much for your help.