* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input double(expm hhid) int intyear double(distance treatment1 post) long regionE 1599413.375 1010140020171 2008 .71 0 0 3 2120390.5 1010140020171 2010 .71 0 1 3 1864100 1010140020171 2012 .71 0 1 3 419666.65625 1010140020284 2008 .71 0 0 3 1179057.125 1010140020284 2010 .71 0 1 3 end label values regionE regionE label def regionE 3 "Dodoma", modify
Hi All,
Expm is a continuous currency variable, intyear is year, treatment is a binary for distance at a certain threshold, and post is after the intervention takes place in 2010. The regression I'm using is:
reg expmr treatment1##post post2 i.intyear i.regionE
Two questions:
1: Does this regression look correct to control for time and region?
2. If I wanted to make a margins plot for this how would I do it?
Kind regards,