I ran the following regression with importer fixed efects
ppml trade exp_fe_* imp_fe_1-imp_fe_`=$NoC-1' LN_DIST CNTG import_cost_1, iter(30) noconst
The regression runs but it drops importer 9 FE, because of
note: imp_fe_9 omitted because of collinearity
So as a next step, when I try to run the following:
forvalues i=1(1)`=$NoC-1'{ // use fixed effects estimates (MR)
qui replace exp_fe_`i'=exp_fe_`i'*exp(_b[exp_fe_`i'])
qui replace imp_fe_`i'=imp_fe_`i'*exp(_b[imp_fe_`i'])
I get
[imp_fe_9] not found
How can I tell STATA to skip imp_fe_9 when running the forvalues loop?
ppml trade exp_fe_* imp_fe_1-imp_fe_`=$NoC-1' LN_DIST CNTG import_cost_1, iter(30) noconst
The regression runs but it drops importer 9 FE, because of
note: imp_fe_9 omitted because of collinearity
So as a next step, when I try to run the following:
forvalues i=1(1)`=$NoC-1'{ // use fixed effects estimates (MR)
qui replace exp_fe_`i'=exp_fe_`i'*exp(_b[exp_fe_`i'])
qui replace imp_fe_`i'=imp_fe_`i'*exp(_b[imp_fe_`i'])
I get
[imp_fe_9] not found
How can I tell STATA to skip imp_fe_9 when running the forvalues loop?