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  • IV for Dynamic Panel when T is large

    Dear all,

    I have a long panel N = 20 and T = 35 and try to estimate a dynamic model, say:

    y_it = a + b*y_it-1 + c*X_it + u_i + e_it

    Because of lagged dependent but N < T and T > 30, is it safe to go with the conventional FE model (xtreg ... , fe robust)?

    If I apply Anderson and Hsiao (1981) FD estimator, all variables must be differenced.

    What if I don't want to do so by estimating the within-FE model but instrument the lagged dependent y_it-1 with y_it-2 or y_it-3? Is it correct to mitigate potential bias due to lagged dependent?

    Many thanks any reply,