Hi, everyone,
I have encountered an issue with the user-written program -eventstudy2- which I have solved it with the help of Thomas Kaspereit, the author of the routine. At the request of Thomas, I post the solution here to help other users.
More specifically, the problem lies in the expected return computation using CAPM or other factor models which requires excess returns, i.e., returns in excess of risk-free rate. If one tries to use the following code
will get different results compared to
. Thomas figured out that the phenomenon is due to the Maynes and Rumsey (1993, JBF) alogrithm to treat missing returns and thin trading. The solution is to add on top of
this part which now lies below
. These changes should be applied in the ado file.
Also, below is a code provided by Thomas that applies returns and log-returns:
I have encountered an issue with the user-written program -eventstudy2- which I have solved it with the help of Thomas Kaspereit, the author of the routine. At the request of Thomas, I post the solution here to help other users.
More specifically, the problem lies in the expected return computation using CAPM or other factor models which requires excess returns, i.e., returns in excess of risk-free rate. If one tries to use the following code
eventstudy2 Security_id Date using Security_returns_mod if Ea > 0.05, ret(Return) car1LB(-1) car1UB(1) mod(FM) marketfile(Factor_returns) mar(MKT) idmar(Market_reference) risk(risk_free_rate) log replace
eventstudy2 Security_id Date using Security_returns_mod if Ea > 0.05, ret(excess_Return) car1LB(-1) car1UB(1) mod(FM) marketfile(Factor_returns) mar(excess_MKT) idmar(Market_reference) risk(risk_free_rate) log replace
if "`model'" == "MA" | "`model'" == "FM" | "`model'" == "RAW" | "`model'" == "COMEAN"{ foreach v in `marketreturns' `factor1' `factor2' `factor3' `factor4' `factor5' `factor6' `factor7' `factor8' `factor9' `factor10' `factor11' `factor12' `factor13' `factor14' `factor15' `riskfreerate'{ gen `cum_`v'' = `v' by `1': replace `cum_`v'' = `cum_`v'' + `cum_`v''[_n-1] if `cum_periods' > 1 & `cum_periods' != . & `cum_`v''[_n-1] != . replace `cum_`v'' = `cum_`v'' / sqrt(`cum_periods') } gen `cum_`returns'' = `returns' / sqrt(`cum_periods') }
if "`riskfreerate'" != ""{ replace `returns' = `returns' - `riskfreerate' replace `marketreturns' = `marketreturns' - `riskfreerate' }
Also, below is a code provided by Thomas that applies returns and log-returns:
use "security_returns.dta", clear gen logReturn = ln(1+Return) preserve keep Date duplicates drop set seed 1000 gen rf = uniform()/10/365 gen logrf = ln(1+rf) save logrf, replace restore sort Security_id Date merge m:1 Date using logrf, nogen gen logReturn_minus_logrf = logReturn - logrf sort Security_id Date save security_returns_mod.dta, replace use "factor_returns.dta", clear merge m:1 Date using logrf, nogen gen logMKT = ln(1+MKT) gen logMKT_minus_rf = logMKT - logrf save factor_returns_mod.dta, replace use "earnings_surprises.dta" eventstudy2 Security_id Date using Security_returns_mod if Ea > 0.05, ret(logReturn) car1LB(-1) car1UB(1) mod(FM) marketfile(Factor_returns_mod) mar(logMKT) idmar(Market_reference) risk(logrf) log replace eventstudy2 Security_id Date using Security_returns_mod if Ea > 0.05, ret(logReturn_minus_logrf) car1LB(-1) car1UB(1) mod(FM) marketfile(Factor_returns_mod) mar(logMKT_minus_rf) idmar(Market_reference) log replace