I'm making overlapping histograms and I need the start(0) option for empty (no color) dash bins but it makes a diagonal line across the graph as you can see below. I tested this with the default STATA scheme (s2color) also and it makes no difference. A solution to this would be most appreciated.
I'm making overlapping histograms and I need the start(0) option for empty (no color) dash bins but it makes a diagonal line across the graph as you can see below. I tested this with the default STATA scheme (s2color) also and it makes no difference. A solution to this would be most appreciated.
clear all input days dummy 10 0 25 0 10 1 10 1 25 1 30 1 30 1 55 0 55 0 55 0 70 1 70 1 70 1 120 1 120 1 end set scheme s2color twoway histogram days if dummy==1, fcolor(none) lcolor(black%50) lpattern(dash) width(50) start(0) || histogram days if dummy==0, fcolor(ply3%50) lcolor(ply3%50) start(0) width(50) ylabel(0(0.002)0.013) legend(order(1 "Equals 1" 2 "Equals 0"))