I'm trying to make a pretty regression table with 12 columns. I've seen it done before in papers I've read.
I'm using this to make my regressoins, except there are 12 of them.
eststo: reg socchange miracle_dummy stable_dummy stagnant_dummy i.year i.country_id2 if high_`var'_c == 0, noconstant cluster(regime_double_cluster)
estadd local fe_year "Yes"
estadd local fe_region "No"
estadd local fe_country "Yes"
estadd local high_dummy "No"
estadd local low_dummy "Yes"
I'm using this code to export my tables to Word.
esttab using "filepath/filename.rtf", /// drop(*year* *country_id2*) label se replace /// title("Table 1: Regressions") /// b(4) sfmt(2) star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) /// stats(fe_year fe_region fe_country high_dummy low_dummy r2 N, labels("Year FE" "Region FE" "Country FE" "High-Value SubSample" "Low-Value SubSample" "R-squared" "N")) /// onecell
I tried the same thing in LaTeX and I had the same problem with my output getting cut off.
Does anyone know the solution to this? Would greatly appreciate any advice!