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  • Getting monthly date to display properly in excel output

    I am working on a dataset with daily dates and I have successfully computed monthly dates and formatted thus:

    . gen monthly_notification_date = mofd(outbreak_notification_dt)
    . format monthly_notification_date %tm

    But after doing a tabulation or table1 command which automatically exports the result to excel, I cannot get the monthly date to display properly in the output window (or in excel) in a way that can be interpreted. I get numbers such as 728, 731, 739 etc

    How can I get

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input byte hospitalized int outbreak_notification_dt float monthly_notification_date
    0 22258 731
    0 22519 739
    0 22272 731
    0 22252 731
    0 22385 735
    0 22281 732
    0 22310 732
    0 22276 731
    0 22299 732
    0 22280 731
    0 22404 736
    0 22458 737
    0 22257 731
    0 22257 731
    0 22293 732
    0 22545 740
    0 22279 731
    0 22272 731
    0 22335 733
    0 22310 732
    0 22272 731
    0 22254 731
    0 22321 733
    0 22552 740
    0 22550 740
    0 22272 731
    0 22276 731
    0 22272 731
    0 22281 732
    0 22321 733
    0 22273 731
    0 22305 732
    0 22511 739
    0 22510 739
    0 22321 733
    0 22265 731
    0 22277 731
    0 22299 732
    0 22272 731
    0 22256 731
    0 22321 733
    0 22511 739
    0 22511 739
    0 22265 731
    0 22519 739
    0 22305 732
    0 22490 738
    0 22276 731
    0 22265 731
    0 22340 734
    0 22341 734
    0 22552 740
    0 22552 740
    0 22541 740
    0 22404 736
    0 22287 732
    0 22258 731
    0 22290 732
    0 22490 738
    0 22262 731
    0 22378 735
    0 22287 732
    0 22287 732

  • #2
    This is an Excel problem, because Excel only has one type of date - a daily date. If you type jan 2022 into a cell in Excel, you will see that it is actually stored as 1/1/2022.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 11.03.21 AM.png
Views:	1
Size:	25.9 KB
ID:	1652844

    And then Excel applies a format to it that displays only the month and year. So you are going to have to use your outbreak_notification_dt and apply the suitable Excel format to display it as a month and year.


    • #3
      Thanks for your response, William. This problem also exists in the Stata display window.


      • #4

        Without having been shown the code that you have used to create a table and export it to Excel, it's hard to comment further on why Excel is not recognizing it as a date. Can you possibly create a simple reproducible example using starting with
        * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
        input byte hospitalized int outbreak_notification_dt float monthly_notification_date
        0 22258 731
        0 22519 739
        0 22272 731
        0 22252 731
        0 22385 735
        0 22281 732
        0 22310 732
        0 22276 731
        0 22299 732
        0 22280 731
        0 22404 736
        0 22458 737
        0 22257 731
        0 22257 731
        0 22293 732
        0 22545 740
        0 22279 731
        0 22272 731
        0 22335 733
        0 22310 732
        0 22272 731
        0 22254 731
        0 22321 733
        0 22552 740
        0 22550 740
        0 22272 731
        0 22276 731
        0 22272 731
        0 22281 732
        0 22321 733
        0 22273 731
        0 22305 732
        0 22511 739
        0 22510 739
        0 22321 733
        0 22265 731
        0 22277 731
        0 22299 732
        0 22272 731
        0 22256 731
        0 22321 733
        0 22511 739
        0 22511 739
        0 22265 731
        0 22519 739
        0 22305 732
        0 22490 738
        0 22276 731
        0 22265 731
        0 22340 734
        0 22341 734
        0 22552 740
        0 22552 740
        0 22541 740
        0 22404 736
        0 22287 732
        0 22258 731
        0 22290 732
        0 22490 738
        0 22262 731
        0 22378 735
        0 22287 732
        0 22287 732
        format %td outbreak_notification_dt
        format %tm monthly_notification_date
        and then adding the code to create the tabulation you want and export it to Excel, progress can be made.

