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  • How to create a table after post-hoc using the pwmc command

    Hi all,

    I'm comparing means among 11 groups with unequal sizes where I am most interested in comparing one specific group against all the others. All of my groups have unequal variances (something I already expected) so I tried to do a pairwise comparison using the pwmc package. However, since I have 10 variables to compare and 11 groups, this provides me with a lot of output which I would like to summarize in a new table. The esttab command does not work as pwmc only saves r-class information. Is there any way to work around this? Or is there any method that would reduce my output? (e.g. I know the Dunnett test procedure only compares one control group against several experimental groups but as far as I know this procedure assumes equal variances so I cannot use it).

    Thank you.
    Last edited by sladmin; 03 Mar 2022, 08:11. Reason: anonymize original poster