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  • Regression discontinuity, revising/improving code from version 8.2 for version 15.1

    I came across a clear introduction to regression discontinuity in chapter 16 of Khandker, Shahidur R., Gayatri B. Koolwal, and Hussain A. Samad. 2010. Handbook on Impact Evaluation: Quantitative Methods and Practices. Washington, D.C: World Bank. Which is available for free at

    The book includes (in the appendix) code that I wanted to explore. However, after playing with it, my question isn't how to make this older code work, but how do I do something similar in Stata 15.1?

    I'll include the code for fuzzy RD below, but I couldn't get it to work. I got the error statement "insufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors." The data file is "hh_98.dta" and it's available at: . The code is in the Appendix for chapter 16 starting on page 227 of the book (page 248 of the PDF). You need the -locpoly- user-written command at -net sj 5-2 st0053_2- if you want to try this. Also, if you cut-and-paste from the PDF you'll need to find-and-replace the quotation marks (singles and doubles).

    Again, my question isn't how to make this older code work, but how do I do something similar in Stata 15.1?

    Thank you.

     use ... "hh_98.dta", clear
    *****Program for Fuzzy Discontinuity;
    #delimit ;
    gen lexptot=ln(1+exptot);
    gen lnland=ln(1+hhland/100);
    capture prog drop rd_fuzzy;
    prog rd_fuzzy, rclass;
    version 8.2;
    args treatment outcome;
    confirm var `treatment';
    confirm var `outcome';
    tempname treatrd1 treatrd0 outrd1 outrd0 treat1 treat0 outcome1
    locpoly `treatment' lnland if hhland<50, gen(`treatrd1')  at(lnland) nogr tri  w(3) d(1);
    locpoly `treatment' lnland if hhland>=50, gen(`treatrd0') at(lnland) nogr tri  w(3) d(1);
    locpoly `outcome' lnland if hhland<50, gen(`outrd1') at(lnland) nogr tri  w(3) d(1);
    locpoly `outcome' lnland if hhland>=50, gen(`outrd0') at(lnland) nogr tri  w(3) d(1);
    sum `treatrd1' if hhland>=45 & hhland<=55, meanonly;
    scalar `treat1'=r(mean);
    sum `treatrd0' if hhland>=45 & hhland<=55, meanonly;
    scalar `treat0'=r(mean);
    sum `outrd1' if hhland>=45 & hhland<=55, meanonly;
    scalar `outcome1'=r(mean);
    sum `outrd0' if hhland>=45 & hhland<=55, meanonly;
    scalar `outcome0'=r(mean);
    return scalar impact=(`outcome1'-`outcome0')/(`treat1'-`treat0');
    ***Male participation;
    set seed 12345
    bootstrap "rd_fuzzy dmmfd lexptot" impact_fuzzy_m=r(impact), reps(100) nowarn
    gen t_impact_fuzzy_m=_b[impact_fuzzy_m]/_se[impact_fuzzy_m]
    sum t_impact_fuzzy_m
    ***Female participation;
    set seed 123
    bootstrap “rd_fuzzy dfmfd lexptot” impact_fuzzy_f=r(impact), reps(100) nowarn
    gen t_impact_fuzzy_f=_b[impact_fuzzy_f]/_se[impact_fuzzy_f]
    sum t_impact_fuzzy_f

  • #2
    Hi Doug, could you clarify what you mean when you say you want to do this using a more modern Stata? The above program could of course be made more flexible or adopt a formal syntax, but as it stands, it still works (presumably, I didn’t test it), but this doesn’t seem to be what you want. Are you looking for new commands that will perform RD designs?


    • #3
      Hi Doug,

      Have you tried to use the official command lpoly instead of the user-written one locpoly? the two commands may do similar jobs in this case, however, the official one could be more updated.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Leonardo Guizzetti View Post
        Hi Doug, could you clarify what you mean when you say you want to do this using a more modern Stata? The above program could of course be made more flexible or adopt a formal syntax, but as it stands, it still works (presumably, I didn’t test it), but this doesn’t seem to be what you want. Are you looking for new commands that will perform RD designs?
        Yes. I was wondering what the recommended commands are for RD in Stata 15.1. Guess I could have been clearer.

