I have written a loop to import and append several csv files. I am getting the error "no, data in memory will be lost." Which is strange as it is the same code I have used to import and append other files. Can someone please suggest why I keep getting this error?
import delimited oc_sheet1.csv, clear
gen sheet=1
gen row=_n
save oc_master1, replace
use oc_master1, clear
forval i=2/5 {
import delimited oc_sheet`i'.csv
gen oc_sheet=`i'
gen row=_n
append using oc_master1
save oc_master1-5, replace
I have written a loop to import and append several csv files. I am getting the error "no, data in memory will be lost." Which is strange as it is the same code I have used to import and append other files. Can someone please suggest why I keep getting this error?
import delimited oc_sheet1.csv, clear
gen sheet=1
gen row=_n
save oc_master1, replace
use oc_master1, clear
forval i=2/5 {
import delimited oc_sheet`i'.csv
gen oc_sheet=`i'
gen row=_n
append using oc_master1
save oc_master1-5, replace