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  • Two way table with column percentage format change - how can I move the percentage next to the frequency?

    Hi all,

    This is my first post on STATALIST and I'm thrilled to join this community!

    I want to create cross country comparison on three countries and compare percentage differences between them, that looks something like this:
    How did you meet your spouse? Country A Country A Country B Country B Country C Country S
    Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
    I ran two way table: tab country var1, col
    But my frustration is that I can only produce column percentages below the frequency.
    Is there a way to move the column percentage next to the frequency?

    Thank you all in advance.

  • #2
    I'm a little confused by your example but I'm assuming that the right-most header is a typo - the general answer to your question is in the third of Chuck Huber's 7 blogs on the new -table- command:


    • #3
      Thank you for asnwering my question Rich! And yes, country S was a typo. Good guess..
      So you are suggesting that I customize a two way table, then create columns and use fvfrequency and fvpercent.

      I have one more follow-up question. I created the basic table, did the following command and STATA keeps telling me that the option statistics not allowed. Do you have any idea why?
      The command was this:
      tabulate (var) (country), statistics(fvfrequency var) statistics(fvpercent var)

      I referred to the following STATA manuals.

      Thank you!


      • #4
        statistics is an option for the -table- command but not for the -tabulate- command


        • #5
          You are right. Why didn't I see that? Thank you!!

