Dear all,
I'm trying to correct the standard errors for the generated regressor problem for a series of local projections. I looked at similar posts and apply the same procedure, however when I run the following code I get an "end of do-file" --Break-- r(1), any idea on how I can solve this issue?
I'm trying to correct the standard errors for the generated regressor problem for a series of local projections. I looked at similar posts and apply the same procedure, however when I run the following code I get an "end of do-file" --Break-- r(1), any idea on how I can solve this issue?
forvalues i = 1/16 { capture program drop one_rep program define one_rep ** First stage ivreg2 f`i'g instrument1 instrument2 L(1/4).instrument1 L(1/4).instrument2, robust bw(auto) capture drop shock`i' predict double shock`i' ** Second stage ivreg2 f`i'var`dep' shock`i' L(1/4).shock`i', robust bw(auto) exit end }