Please see my code below and the result I get from it. My problem is that I keep getting the same corrected overall critical pvalue no matter how I change my code and my variables and this just does not seem correct to me. Does anyone have an idea as to what is going on here?
multproc, method(simes) pvalue(p) puncor(.05) reject(fdr)
Method: simes
Uncorrected overall critical P-value: .05
Number of P-values: 92
Corrected overall critical P-value: .00054348
Number of rejected P-values: 0
multproc, method(simes) pvalue(p) puncor(.05) reject(fdr)
Method: simes
Uncorrected overall critical P-value: .05
Number of P-values: 92
Corrected overall critical P-value: .00054348
Number of rejected P-values: 0