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  • import many sheets from an excel file into Stata? xls2dta or others?

    Dear All, I have an "Controls.xlsx", in which, there are many sheets (names = 2020, 2019, ..., 2009) with same variables. I know that I can use
    cd "E:\@CIE\"
    forvalues i = 2009(1)2020 {
      import excel "raw\Controls.xlsx", sheet("`i'") firstrow case(lower) clear
      ren 期刊名 Journal
      gen year = `i'
      save "dta\Controls_`i'.dta", replace
    use "dta\Controls_2009.dta", clear
    forvalues i = 2010(1)2020 {
        append using "dta\Controls_`i'.dta"
    to import the data in Stata format. I wonder if there are alternative ways (say, xls2dta or others) ways to do so. Thanks.
    Ho-Chuan (River) Huang
    Stata 17.0, MP(4)

  • #2
    With xls2dta (SSC),

    xls2dta , clear sheets(2009/2020) generate(fn year) ///
              importopts(firstrow case(lower)) :        ///
              append using "E:\@CIE\raw\Controls.xlsx"
    rename 期刊名 Journal
    drop fn
    destring year , replace
    should produce the same results as the code in #1. I find the code in #1 easier to read and easier to follow. I would probably rename once after the loops(s) but that is a matter of personal preference.


    • #3
      Dear daniel, Thanks for for the suggestion. I will give it a try ASAP.
      Ho-Chuan (River) Huang
      Stata 17.0, MP(4)

