I try to get standard errors clustered at the province level using the bootstrap method.
My data is household-level panel data (e.g. y_{ist}, x1_{ist}, x2_{ist}) merged with province-level panel data (e.g. X_{st}, Z_{st}), where i: household, s: province, and t: year.
My code looks like this:
In the 1st regression, I use all households and predict X_hat.
In the 2nd regression, I use only households with income lower than the median.
1. Is this a correct way to get clustered standard errors at the province level?
- When I test the above code with "ivregress 2sls" for the same full households in both stages, the bootstrap SE is wider than ivregress 2sls clustered SE.
2. When I run the following code, I got an error message: repeated time values within panel the most likely cause for this error is misspecifying the cluster(), idcluster(), or group() option.
3. I tried to run the following code but got another error message: collinearity in replicate sample is not the same as the full sample, posting missing values.
This fails for all draws.
4. The following code runs without error messages. But this generates standard errors clustered at the province*year level, right?
I try to get standard errors clustered at the province level using the bootstrap method.
My data is household-level panel data (e.g. y_{ist}, x1_{ist}, x2_{ist}) merged with province-level panel data (e.g. X_{st}, Z_{st}), where i: household, s: province, and t: year.
My code looks like this:
capture program drop one_rep program define one_rep reg X Z x1 x2 i.province i.year, vce(cluster province) capture drop X_hat predict double X_hat qui reg y X_hat x1 x2 i.province i.year if low_income==1, vce(cluster province) exit end bootstrap, seed(4567) strata(province) reps(1000): one_rep
In the 2nd regression, I use only households with income lower than the median.
1. Is this a correct way to get clustered standard errors at the province level?
- When I test the above code with "ivregress 2sls" for the same full households in both stages, the bootstrap SE is wider than ivregress 2sls clustered SE.
2. When I run the following code, I got an error message: repeated time values within panel the most likely cause for this error is misspecifying the cluster(), idcluster(), or group() option.
bootstrap, seed(4567) cluster(province) idcluster(newid) reps(1000) noisily: one_rep
bootstrap, seed(4567) cluster(province) idcluster(newid) group(hhid) reps(1000) noisily: one_rep
4. The following code runs without error messages. But this generates standard errors clustered at the province*year level, right?
bootstrap, seed(4567) cluster(province year) idcluster(newid) group(hhid) reps(1000) noisily: one_rep