Hi Statalist,
I would like to seek help for a problem I encountered. I tried to estimate a regression where I regress outcome variable IHS on factor variable Chinese_event (I chose 7 as the base period) and Stata did use 7 as the base period. However, when I tried to add an interaction between the factor variable Chinese_event and a continuous variable std_repub_share, I also specified 7 as the base period, Stata did not omit period 7. I have tried to use io7.Chinese_event. It still did not work. Please see the output below. what should I do? I appreciate any suggestions!
reg IHS ib7.Chinese_event ib7.Chinese_event#c.std_repub_share
I would like to seek help for a problem I encountered. I tried to estimate a regression where I regress outcome variable IHS on factor variable Chinese_event (I chose 7 as the base period) and Stata did use 7 as the base period. However, when I tried to add an interaction between the factor variable Chinese_event and a continuous variable std_repub_share, I also specified 7 as the base period, Stata did not omit period 7. I have tried to use io7.Chinese_event. It still did not work. Please see the output below. what should I do? I appreciate any suggestions!
reg IHS ib7.Chinese_event ib7.Chinese_event#c.std_repub_share