I am trying to calculate the max change in titer between two date points. I am only interested in positive change (increase) in titer from previous titer. I want to return the max positive change in titer and the date when the associated with that max change. For example for id 1002, I want to return 37762.7 (max positive change) and 20nov2021 as the date associated with the max change. I know I can calculate each change say for example between [_n] and [_n-1] and then pick the max of all changes but I'm guessing there should be an more direct and quicker way to go around it.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input int(id date) double titer 1002 22576 1237 1002 22604 38999.7 1002 22660 23860.9 1002 22688 16324.7 1003 22576 1047.2 1003 22604 11671.1 1003 22632 6773.4 1003 22660 4807.9 1003 22688 3728.4 1004 22576 1218 1004 22604 1055.5 1004 22660 1011.8 1004 22688 799.8 1006 22590 17043.7 1006 22618 11519 1006 22653 8705.2 1006 22674 9434.6 1010 22576 1571.4 1010 22604 44310.5 1010 22632 36383.5 1010 22660 34230.2 1010 22688 23310.7 1013 22632 22698.2 1014 22590 109.1 1014 22618 91.2 1014 22660 4419.5 1014 22674 3779.8 1015 22576 15155.4 1015 22604 11298.2 1015 22632 8687.6 1015 22660 8615.3 1015 22688 7117.2 1017 22576 1683.1 1017 22604 19150.9 1017 22632 10715.9 1017 22660 10461.9 1017 22688 7479.3 1019 22562 1307.4 1023 22576 42075.2 1023 22604 37240.6 1023 22632 31630.4 1023 22660 33234 1023 22688 30187 1024 22576 165 1024 22604 177.3 1024 22632 171.4 1024 22660 50000 1024 22688 50000 1029 22562 911.2 1029 22590 647 1029 22618 3839.5 1029 22653 33989.7 1029 22674 25002.9 1030 22590 12722.1 1030 22618 43168.9 1030 22653 19063.9 1030 22674 14268.2 1034 22604 173.5 1034 22632 160 1034 22660 170.1 1034 22688 167.1 1055 22562 7015.9 1055 22590 5013.6 1055 22618 3243.2 1055 22653 2171.8 1055 22674 1864 1062 22576 1692.7 1062 22604 1410.4 1062 22632 1058.5 1062 22660 1152.9 1062 22688 1106 1065 22576 40226 1065 22604 32992.2 1065 22632 28612.1 1065 22674 29142.3 1074 22562 371.6 1075 22576 517.3 1075 22604 472.3 1075 22632 479.4 1075 22660 443.3 1075 22688 5160.8 1079 22562 2539.9 1079 22590 2013.5 1079 22618 1574.2 1079 22653 50000 1079 22674 50000 1081 22562 3707.4 1081 22590 2788.3 1081 22618 50000 1081 22653 46841.5 1081 22674 50000 1086 22562 43792.2 1086 22590 29634.4 1086 22618 20749.2 1086 22653 14729.9 1086 22674 15292.3 1088 22562 50000 1088 22590 31583.1 1088 22618 38785.5 1088 22653 36391.9 end format %td date