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  • xtabond2 syntax

    Dear Statalists,

    I am currently doing research into the link between economic growth and inequality in a panel of countries, using system GMM. I am getting slightly confused with the xtabond2 terminology and specifically the difference between gmm() style instuments and iv() instruments.

    My current code for the system GMM estimation is:

    xtabond2 growth lnGDP_L1 Primenroll_L1 gini_disp_L1 i.Year, ///
    gmm(lnGDP_L1 Primenroll_L1 gini_disp_L1 ) twostep robust small

    As you can see here, I have specified all regressors as gmm style instruments, which I am assuming is incorrect.

    As it is a dynamic panel, GDP is endogenous and should the other regressors be specified as IV instruments? What is the criteria for gmm style and iv style instruments?


  • #2
    Because these are fundamental questions about the functioning of this kind of estimators, I recommend that you start by doing some more background reading, e.g. the "how to do xtabond2" Stata Journal article by David Roodman. A good starting point might also be the following presentation I gave in 2019 at the London Stata Conference, which might already answer some of your questions:
    You can also search this forum for other threads on the same topic.


    • #3
      Hi Sebastian,

      Thank you for your response and recommendations. I have read both resources and they have helped my understanding of the STATA implementation greatly.

      I just have one question. If the only instrument I would like to use for the levels equation is the first difference of each regressor in period t-1, i.e. only delta Xi,t−1, how would I specify this in the gmm() syntax?

      My current code is:
      xtabond2 (growth) lnGDPpc_L1 Primenroll_L1 gini_disp_L1 i.Year, ///
      gmm(lnGDPpc_L1, lag(2 5) equation(diff)) gmm(L1.gini_disp_L1 L1.Primenroll_L1, collapse) iv(Year) twostep robust small

      Here, I lnGDPpc_L1 is only being used as an instrument for the differenced equation and not for the levels.


