Dear All, Suppose that I have the following addresses (in Chinese),
I uses the code
with results
However, the desired results are
Any suggestions? Thanks.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str144 t_addr2 "彰化市曉陽路301巷6弄10號" "台中市台灣大道三段251號9樓" "500 彰化縣 彰化市 長順街141巷14號-假日配送無電鈴到貨請打0973221508感謝" "302 新竹縣竹北市文興路一段372號" "900 屏東縣 屏東市 公勇路83號8樓之1" end
gen zipcode = ustrregexs(1) if ustrregexm(t_addr2,"^([0-9]*)(.*市|.*縣)?(.*市|.*區)?") gen city = ustrregexs(2) if ustrregexm(t_addr2,"^([0-9]*)(.*市|.*縣)?(.*市|.*區)?") gen city2 = ustrregexs(3) if ustrregexm(t_addr2,"^([0-9]*)(.*市|.*縣)?(.*市|.*區)?")
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str13 zipcode str81 city str91 city2 "" "彰化市" "" "" "台北市" "內湖區" "500" " 彰化縣 彰化市" "" "302" " 新竹縣竹北市" "" "900" " 屏東縣 屏東市" "" end
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str13 zipcode str81 city str91 city2 "" "彰化市" "" "" "台北市" "內湖區" "500" " 彰化縣" "彰化市" "302" " 新竹縣" "竹北市" "900" " 屏東縣" "屏東市" end