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  • Making data panel

    Hi everyone,

    I have a data set that looks like this example:
    ID Country Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6
    1 US 12 13 10 5 3 2
    2 US 123 124 546 23 123 34
    3 US 432 1232 123 3423 765 56

    And I want to make it like Panel Data. Can you please help me with it? I tried "reshape," but it's not working.

  • #2
    I can't help you until you both give me your real dataset using dataex and until you show me the exact code you've tried using code delimiters. Saying "x doesn't work" is unhelpful, which is why the FAQ both says this and discourages it. As I've written elsewhere, it's not that "it didn't work", it's that you've told Stata to do something incorrectly.

    EDIT: I'm also confused. How can you have 3 U.S.'s in this dataset, wide data should either denote a time period or a unit as the row? You have duplicates in this dataset, likely in the way it was created.
    Last edited by Jared Greathouse; 19 Feb 2022, 02:38.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jared Greathouse View Post
      I can't help you until you both give me your real dataset using dataex and until you show me the exact code you've tried using code delimiters. Saying "x doesn't work" is unhelpful, which is why the FAQ both says this and discourages it. As I've written elsewhere, it's not that "it didn't work", it's that you've told Stata to do something incorrectly.

      EDIT: I'm also confused. How can you have 3 U.S.'s in this dataset, wide data should either denote a time period or a unit as the row? You have duplicates in this dataset, likely in the way it was created.
      Hi Jared. Fair point.

      * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
      input str394 ID str19 Species str14 Subspecies str66 Common_name str13 Country str11 System str7(Year1950 Year1951 Year1952 Year1953 Year1954) str11(Year1955 Year1956)
      "198" "bailleui"       "NULL" "Palila"                     "United States" "Terrestrial" "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "199" "cantans"        ""     "Laysan finch"               "United States" "Terrestrial" "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "819" "transmontanus"  ""     "White sturgeon"             "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "822" "pseudoharengus" "NULL" "Alewife"                    "United States" "Freshwater"  "401"   "428.3" "442.2" "321.9" "283.1" "94"   "322.6"
      "824" "sapidissima"    "NULL" "American shad"              "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "826" "sapidissima"    "NULL" "American shad"              "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "827" "liorus"         "NULL" "June sucker"                "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "829" "clupeaformis"   "NULL" "Lake whitefish"             "United States" "Freshwater"  "58801" "59023" "22447" "9072"  "2039"  "764"  "1276" 
      "831" "clupeaformis"   "NULL" "Lake whitefish"             "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "832" "hoyi"           "NULL" "Bloater"                    "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "834" "nevadae"        "NULL" "Railroad valley springfish" "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "835" "nevadae"        "NULL" "Railroad valley springfish" "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "836" "nevadae"        "NULL" "Railroad valley springfish" "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "837" "nevadae"        "NULL" "Railroad valley springfish" "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "838" "fonticola"      "NULL" "Fountain darter"            "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "839" "robustum"       "NULL" "Smallfin redhorse"          "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "841" "cahabae"        ""     "Cahaba shiner"              "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "842" "gorbuscha"      "NULL" "Pink salmon"                "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "843" "gorbuscha"      "NULL" "Pink salmon"                "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      "844" "gorbuscha"      "NULL" "Pink salmon"                "United States" "Freshwater"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL"  "NULL" "NULL" 
      I used the following code:

      reshape long Species Subspecies Common_name Country System , i(ID) j(year)


      • #4
        * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
        input str394 ID str19 Species str14 Subspecies str66 Common_name str13 Country str11 System str7(Year1950 Year1951 Year1952 Year1953 Year1954) str11(Year1955 Year1956)
        "198" "bailleui" "NULL" "Palila" "United States" "Terrestrial" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "199" "cantans" "" "Laysan finch" "United States" "Terrestrial" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "819" "transmontanus" "" "White sturgeon" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "822" "pseudoharengus" "NULL" "Alewife" "United States" "Freshwater" "401" "428.3" "442.2" "321.9" "283.1" "94" "322.6"
        "824" "sapidissima" "NULL" "American shad" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "826" "sapidissima" "NULL" "American shad" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "827" "liorus" "NULL" "June sucker" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "829" "clupeaformis" "NULL" "Lake whitefish" "United States" "Freshwater" "58801" "59023" "22447" "9072" "2039" "764" "1276"
        "831" "clupeaformis" "NULL" "Lake whitefish" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "832" "hoyi" "NULL" "Bloater" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "834" "nevadae" "NULL" "Railroad valley springfish" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "835" "nevadae" "NULL" "Railroad valley springfish" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "836" "nevadae" "NULL" "Railroad valley springfish" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "837" "nevadae" "NULL" "Railroad valley springfish" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "838" "fonticola" "NULL" "Fountain darter" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "839" "robustum" "NULL" "Smallfin redhorse" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "841" "cahabae" "" "Cahaba shiner" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "842" "gorbuscha" "NULL" "Pink salmon" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "843" "gorbuscha" "NULL" "Pink salmon" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        "844" "gorbuscha" "NULL" "Pink salmon" "United States" "Freshwater" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" "NULL"
        destring, replace
        reshape long Year, i(ID) j(which)
        rename (which Year) (year which)
        xtset ID year

