Hhello eveyone , I am trying to graph the paralell-trend-test results using event_plot.
But I got "umatched quote"
Cound you please tell me whats wrong ?
My code is following :
But I got "umatched quote"
Cound you please tell me whats wrong ?
My code is following :
eventstudyinteract lnpunishamount_city pre*y currenty post*y , vce() absorb(city pubyear) cohort(reformyear) control_cohort(lastcohort) event_plot e(b_iw)#e(V_iw) ,default_look graph_opt(xtitle ("peroids since the event") ytitle("Average causal effect") xlabel(-6(1)3)) stub_lag(post#y) stub_lead(pre#y) together