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  • Revealed Technological Advantage calculation using STATA

    Dear All, on the same wave some of you helped me yesterday on a similar topic, I need you help again as I'm relatively new to the use of stata.

    I need to calculate an index called REVEALED TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANTAGE, somehow similar to RCA (Reveald Comparative Adv). It ranges from 0 to 1+ (it can be above 1, but it usually stays < 5)
    Following OECD's definition, it is calculated as a country's share of patents in a particular technology field divided by the country's share in all patent fields.

    This is a data example:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input int time str37 country str9 ipc str1 tech_class_1dig float nr_pat
    1990 "France" "C03B" "C" 12.1833
    1990 "France" "G09D" "G"       0
    1990 "France" "H03H" "H"  5.0833
    1990 "France" "B29L" "B"   2.084
    1990 "France" "F24C" "F"  1.9786
    1990 "France" "E03C" "E"       0
    1990 "France" "C12Q" "C"  6.3845
    1990 "France" "C14C" "C"       0
    1990 "France" "F02F" "F"  1.6643
    1990 "France" "H03F" "H"  8.1095
    1990 "France" "C22F" "C"   .8333
    1990 "France" "B60R" "B"  3.8295
    1990 "France" "F25J" "F"   3.425
    1990 "France" "B29C" "B" 19.0836
    1990 "France" "C08C" "C"       0
    1990 "France" "D01H" "D"  2.1429
    1990 "France" "B31B" "B"      .6
    1990 "France" "A44C" "A"       0
    1990 "France" "F17D" "F"   .9929
    1990 "France" "A63J" "A"      .4
    1990 "France" "F28C" "F"       0
    1990 "France" "B05D" "B"  1.7872
    1990 "France" "G01L" "G"  4.2833
    1990 "France" "F02D" "F"  1.5869
    1990 "France" "G01C" "G"  2.3095

    since I have data in long format (panel data) and a tremendous number of technological classes I created 1digit technological class as in A,B,C etc.

    To calculate the RTA I have tried the following:

    bys country time:g tot = sum(nr_pat)
    bys country tech_class_1dig: gen tp = sum(nr_pat)
    bys country time  : g num =  tp/tot
    summ num
    bys country  : g den = total_patents/tot
    summ den
    bys tech_class_1dig: g rta = num/den
    where nr_pat = NUMBER OF PATENTS

    But I'm not sure that the sum of patents in the first line is correct, can someone help in coding this index?

    A paper on US patents use this formula, but it looks quite complex to code for me, any idea is very much appreciated.

    Link to paper for those interested:
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1650810

    Thanks a lot for any help or idea you may give me!
