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  • Extracting data out of a table - descriptive statistics

    I am producing some descriptive statistics, in particular a median at specific data cuts. I would like to retrieve them so I can store them in a csv file, ideally using post - as this is the mechanism I am using for storing various regression results in that same do file.

    egen wcat = cut(independent_var), at(2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20)
    version 16: table wcat, c(p50 dependent_var m dependent_var N dependent_var)

    this produces a tabular output listing 3 columns, median, mean, and number of observations. the question is, how do I access these so I can post them

    loop over the table rows{
    qui post `output' (`median') (`mean') (`obs')

    Many Thanks!
