Dear All,
I want to estimate a Poisson FE IV using the approach suggested by Jeff Wooldridge in C:\Users\wooldri1\Dropbox\semin ( Following a previous post ivpoisson with panel-data fixed effects - Statalist I am trying to get the corrected standard error using panel boostrap. I need to run it on a few different samples and specifications so I try to run it in a loop as follows:
I am trying to return the coefficient estimates and the corrected SEs. But it simply stops; not sure why. It is likely something embarrassingly silly that I am doing wrong. Will be grateful for any help anyone may be able to offer to get this to run.
Many thanks in advance.
I want to estimate a Poisson FE IV using the approach suggested by Jeff Wooldridge in C:\Users\wooldri1\Dropbox\semin ( Following a previous post ivpoisson with panel-data fixed effects - Statalist I am trying to get the corrected standard error using panel boostrap. I need to run it on a few different samples and specifications so I try to run it in a loop as follows:
. local IFFY1 "if (numbersibs>1)" // Just the sibling sub-sample . local IFFY2 "" // Entire sample . . foreach C in id sibid{ 2. foreach S in 1 2{ 3. . capture program drop myboot 4. program define myboot, rclass 5. preserve 6. bsample 7. xtset `C' year 8. xtreg LgrcxtotC c.year `IFFY`S'', fe 9. predict double LgrcxtotChat_fe, e 10. . xtpoisson LgAneedc Lgm LgrcxtotChat_fe i.year `IFFY`S'', fe vce(robust) 11. . return scalar bLgAneedc = _b[LgAneedc] 12. return scalar bLgm = _b[Lgm] 13. return scalar bLgrcxtotChat_fe = _b[LgrcxtotChat_fe] 14. . return scalar seLgAneedc = _se[LgAneedc] 15. return scalar seLgm = _se[Lgm] 16. return scalar seLgrcxtotChat_fe = _se[LgrcxtotChat_fe] 17. . restore 18. end --Break-- r(1); end of do-file --Break-- r(1);
Many thanks in advance.