Hausman specification test, "hausman", for panel data regression models FE vs RE produces a value of Chi-sq. statistic that is essentially different from that calculated directly using coefficient vectors e(b) and variance-covariance matrices e(V). (The values of chi-2 calculated directly here are the same to those calculated in R both directly and using "phtest" from "plm" ). The data are from . Stata 17 MP
The code is:
What might be a matter of such difference? Thanks.
The code is:
xtset countryid year xtreg raid gdpcap gdpcap2 infmort infmort2 rights goveff popmil pop2 y2 y3, fe est store fem matrix b=e(b) matrix Vb=e(V) xtreg raid gdpcap gdpcap2 infmort infmort2 rights goveff popmil pop2 y2 y3, re est store rem matrix B=e(b) matrix VB=e(V) *** Hausman test hausman fem rem hausman fem rem, sigmaless *** Manual calculations of Housman test Chi-sq matrix b_B= (b-B)' matrix Vdiff=Vb-VB ***constant term remove matrix b_B=b_B[1..10, 1] matrix Vdiff=Vdiff[1..10, 1..10] ***Chi-sq-calc matrix chi=b_B'*syminv(Vdiff)*b_B matrix list chi
Test of H0: Difference in coefficients not systematic chi2(10) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B) = 10.73 Prob > chi2 = 0.3790 . *** Manual calculations of Housman test Chi-sq . matrix b_B= (b-B)' . matrix Vdiff=Vb-VB . ***constant term remove . matrix b_B=b_B[1..10, 1] . matrix Vdiff=Vdiff[1..10, 1..10] . ***Chi-sq-calc . matrix chi=b_B'*syminv(Vdiff)*b_B . matrix list chi symmetric chi[1,1] y1 y1 23.531672