I have a question regarding constructing dependent and independent variables for a regression specification. For the following dataex (below), I would like to construct four variables in five year windows (in order to keep as many observations as possible). Is there a way to "quickly construct these variables"? (the dependent variable is average growth rate in value added per worker) and independent variables are five year windows (log value added per worker over specific five year windows)
Intended specification:
Average Growth Rate of Value Added per Worker ((Final Year- Initial Year)/Number of Years)= Beta_{0} + Beta_{1}Initial Log of Val Per Worker (Time Period:2001-2006) + Beta_{2} Initial Log of Val Per Worker (Time Period:1995-2000) + Beta_{3}Initial Log of Val Per Worker (Time Period:1989-1994) + Beta_{3}Initial Log of Val Per Worker (Time Period:1983-1988) + e
I have a question regarding constructing dependent and independent variables for a regression specification. For the following dataex (below), I would like to construct four variables in five year windows (in order to keep as many observations as possible). Is there a way to "quickly construct these variables"? (the dependent variable is average growth rate in value added per worker) and independent variables are five year windows (log value added per worker over specific five year windows)
Intended specification:
Average Growth Rate of Value Added per Worker ((Final Year- Initial Year)/Number of Years)= Beta_{0} + Beta_{1}Initial Log of Val Per Worker (Time Period:2001-2006) + Beta_{2} Initial Log of Val Per Worker (Time Period:1995-2000) + Beta_{3}Initial Log of Val Per Worker (Time Period:1989-1994) + Beta_{3}Initial Log of Val Per Worker (Time Period:1983-1988) + e
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str3 isoexp float(year isic) double(firms lab wage prod va impw) "ABW" 1993 300 86 1719 . . . . "ABW" 1994 300 98 1779 . . . . "ABW" 1995 300 105 1935 . . . . "ABW" 1996 300 104 1845 . . . . "ABW" 1997 300 139 2004 17.477643966674805 . . . "ABW" 1998 300 143 2108 18.475616455078125 . . . "ABW" 1999 300 159 2512 20.272111892700195 . . . "ABW" 1993 311 . . . . . 44362.734375 "ABW" 1994 311 . . . . . 46847.0390625 "ABW" 1995 311 . . . . . 47945.77734375 "ABW" 1996 311 . . . . . 50243.21484375 "ABW" 1997 311 . . . . . 64220.578125 "ABW" 1998 311 . . . . . 59884.453125 "ABW" 1999 311 . . . . . 60170.19921875 "ABW" 1993 313 6 176 . . . 68170.96875 "ABW" 1994 313 6 176 . . . 79905.890625 "ABW" 1995 313 5 181 . . . 100264.3125 "ABW" 1996 313 5 167 . . . 92096.171875 "ABW" 1997 313 7 155 15.194123268127441 . . 107799.484375 "ABW" 1998 313 8 165 16.774242401123047 . . 94601.9375 "ABW" 1999 313 8 214 16.929719924926758 . . 84889.78125 "ABW" 1993 314 . . . . . 25164.798828125 "ABW" 1994 314 . . . . . 53493.4609375 "ABW" 1995 314 . . . . . 47201.04296875 "ABW" 1996 314 . . . . . 108112.4921875 "ABW" 1997 314 . . . . . 115392.609375 "ABW" 1998 314 . . . . . 119915.1015625 "ABW" 1999 314 . . . . . 11542.607421875 "ABW" 1993 321 . . . . . 4325.06689453125 "ABW" 1994 321 . . . . . 4562.31787109375 "ABW" 1995 321 . . . . . 7761.02587890625 "ABW" 1996 321 . . . . . 5846.48388671875 "ABW" 1997 321 . . . . . 6029.423828125 "ABW" 1998 321 . . . . . 7358.9970703125 "ABW" 1999 321 . . . . . 6645.2841796875 "ABW" 1993 322 . . . . . 6085.06103515625 "ABW" 1994 322 . . . . . 9674.154296875 "ABW" 1995 322 . . . . . 9401.955078125 "ABW" 1996 322 . . . . . 10631.685546875 "ABW" 1997 322 . . . . . 11086.939453125 "ABW" 1998 322 . . . . . 10333.876953125 "ABW" 1999 322 . . . . . 9967.166015625 "ABW" 1993 323 . . . . . 738.5830078125 "ABW" 1994 323 . . . . . 604.1290283203125 "ABW" 1995 323 . . . . . 1268.260009765625 "ABW" 1996 323 . . . . . 1878.3070068359375 "ABW" 1997 323 . . . . . 1481.1600341796875 "ABW" 1998 323 . . . . . 2070.85595703125 "ABW" 1999 323 . . . . . 1179.72705078125 "ABW" 1993 324 2 2 . . . 1181.3480224609375 "ABW" 1994 324 2 3 . . . 1132.81103515625 "ABW" 1995 324 2 5 . . . 2034.85498046875 "ABW" 1996 324 2 3 . . . 2410.85791015625 "ABW" 1997 324 . . . . . 2808.43603515625 "ABW" 1998 324 . . . . . 2903.298095703125 "ABW" 1999 324 . . . . . 2163.72705078125 "ABW" 1993 331 . . . . . 7562.6298828125 "ABW" 1994 331 . . . . . 8613.8291015625 "ABW" 1995 331 . . . . . 7749.06494140625 "ABW" 1996 331 . . . . . 6827.14794921875 "ABW" 1997 331 . . . . . 6718.5048828125 "ABW" 1998 331 . . . . . 7891.84716796875 "ABW" 1999 331 . . . . . 7446.1708984375 "ABW" 1993 332 . . . . . 1679.126953125 "ABW" 1994 332 . . . . . 2089.735107421875 "ABW" 1995 332 . . . . . 2030.7039794921875 "ABW" 1996 332 . . . . . 764.5830078125 "ABW" 1997 332 . . . . . 1491.5849609375 "ABW" 1998 332 . . . . . 1418.9720458984375 "ABW" 1999 332 . . . . . 2790.27001953125 "ABW" 1993 341 . . . . . 4848.69677734375 "ABW" 1994 341 . . . . . 4550.39208984375 "ABW" 1995 341 . . . . . 5712.998046875 "ABW" 1996 341 . . . . . 5399.60595703125 "ABW" 1997 341 11 170 13.238335609436035 . . 5746.02001953125 "ABW" 1998 341 11 195 13.596758842468262 . . 5497.79296875 "ABW" 1999 341 12 201 14.840715408325195 . . 5624.02783203125 "ABW" 1993 342 23 374 . . . 1896.0179443359375 "ABW" 1994 342 28 453 . . . 1676.762939453125 "ABW" 1995 342 27 411 . . . 3534.20703125 "ABW" 1996 342 27 436 . . . 3318.626953125 "ABW" 1997 342 . . . . . 4201.6572265625 "ABW" 1998 342 . . . . . 3301.22998046875 "ABW" 1999 342 . . . . . 3386.3740234375 "ABW" 1993 351 . . . . . 3062.096923828125 "ABW" 1994 351 . . . . . 3023.4990234375 "ABW" 1995 351 . . . . . 3934.27294921875 "ABW" 1996 351 . . . . . 2515.551025390625 "ABW" 1997 351 . . . . . 5297.43310546875 "ABW" 1998 351 . . . . . 3880.73095703125 "ABW" 1999 351 . . . . . 5158.625 "ABW" 1993 352 . . . . . 8755.4541015625 "ABW" 1994 352 . . . . . 9655.6923828125 "ABW" 1995 352 . . . . . 17045.8046875 "ABW" 1996 352 . . . . . 22863.451171875 "ABW" 1997 352 6 53 13.233868598937988 . . 34093.171875 "ABW" 1998 352 6 47 14.955361366271973 . . 27124.91015625 "ABW" 1999 352 5 47 16.3676815032959 . . 33283.0234375 "ABW" 1993 353 6 631 . . . 77111.4296875 "ABW" 1994 353 7 592 . . . 55272.96875 end