eststo clear
eststo xtreg y x z if h=0
eststo xtreg y x z if h=1
estadd ?
esttab using "${OUTPATH}emp_industry" ///
nomtitles booktabs replace ///
indicate("Controls = z" "Province FE = _cons" "Industry FE = *.industry" "Industry-year trend = *.industry#c.year" "Province-year trend = *.prov#c.year" "Year FE = *.year", labels("\checkmark" "")) ///
stats(N ?, labels("Obs. #" "$\R^2$")) ///
label nobaselevels interaction("\$\times\$") substitute("=1" "") nonotes se star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)
The two question marks are the two places that I cannot work out correctly.
Thank you very much!
eststo clear
eststo xtreg y x z if h=0
eststo xtreg y x z if h=1
estadd ?
esttab using "${OUTPATH}emp_industry" ///
nomtitles booktabs replace ///
indicate("Controls = z" "Province FE = _cons" "Industry FE = *.industry" "Industry-year trend = *.industry#c.year" "Province-year trend = *.prov#c.year" "Year FE = *.year", labels("\checkmark" "")) ///
stats(N ?, labels("Obs. #" "$\R^2$")) ///
label nobaselevels interaction("\$\times\$") substitute("=1" "") nonotes se star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)
The two question marks are the two places that I cannot work out correctly.
Thank you very much!