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  • Create and export descriptive tables for longitudinal analyses

    Dear Statalister,

    I would like to create a table for my longitudinal analysis that calculates the observations (N), the number of respondents (n) the percentage of the group compared to the whole sample, the mean and standard deviations of the age for each group and the female percentage for different groups of my sample (eg. parents, mothers..) in one table. Afterwards, I want to export the table.
    I already tried it with asdoc and xtsum xxtab but I don't manage to calculate all needed decriptive statistics in one table.
    I have already filled in the table manually, but I need the code for my dofile. My table is attached.
    I would be very grateful for any help and tips.
    Table 1.pdf
    With kind regards
    Miriam Feldhausen