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  • Estadd not recognized

    Hi guys
    I'm facing difficulties with estadd command; Stata 16 and 17 don't recognize it. I cannot also install it because my University only provides Stata virtually (VPN), so we are unable to install commands. Is there any alternatives? Many thanks.

    This is my code:

    quietly reg l_gdpgrowth l_gdp60 l_investgdp l_popgrowth l_school if n==1, robust
    scalar speed_augcc = - (log(1+_b[l_gdp60])/(1985-1960))
    quietly estadd scalar speed_augcc
    scalar halfLife_augcc = log(2)/speed_augcc
    quietly estadd scalar halfLife_augcc
    estimate store augcc_Nonoil

  • #2
    Here is information on installing the estout package, which includes estadd.

    Are you certain you are unable to use
    ssc install estout
    That command does not require administrator privileges on your virtual machine and only writes into Stata's PLUS directory, which is different for each user.

    That is much different from installing applications, like Stata itself, which does require administrator privileges on the system.

    If that doesn't work - and it would be dreadful if it does not, because so much of the power of Stata lies in being about to easily extend it with community contributed packages - there are other options for downloading and installing it.


    • #3
      Telling us the result of

      would be helpful.

      To be able to use Stata at all you should be able to put logs, graphs, do files, and so forth somewhere in your filespace, and the same will apply to ado and help files you can download.

