Hi guys
I'm facing difficulties with estadd command; Stata 16 and 17 don't recognize it. I cannot also install it because my University only provides Stata virtually (VPN), so we are unable to install commands. Is there any alternatives? Many thanks.
This is my code:
quietly reg l_gdpgrowth l_gdp60 l_investgdp l_popgrowth l_school if n==1, robust
scalar speed_augcc = - (log(1+_b[l_gdp60])/(1985-1960))
quietly estadd scalar speed_augcc
scalar halfLife_augcc = log(2)/speed_augcc
quietly estadd scalar halfLife_augcc
estimate store augcc_Nonoil
I'm facing difficulties with estadd command; Stata 16 and 17 don't recognize it. I cannot also install it because my University only provides Stata virtually (VPN), so we are unable to install commands. Is there any alternatives? Many thanks.
This is my code:
quietly reg l_gdpgrowth l_gdp60 l_investgdp l_popgrowth l_school if n==1, robust
scalar speed_augcc = - (log(1+_b[l_gdp60])/(1985-1960))
quietly estadd scalar speed_augcc
scalar halfLife_augcc = log(2)/speed_augcc
quietly estadd scalar halfLife_augcc
estimate store augcc_Nonoil