Hello Statalisters,
I am running an IV model using -ivreghdfe- by S. Correia (2018). I tried running ivregress2, but it short-circuits when I cluster my standard errors. I have given my code below:
How do I export the test-statistics generated by -ivreghdfe-? I am particularly interested in the first-stage f-stat, Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic, Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic and the p-values of the Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic into the output tables. At the moment I am manually filling them out, but it is getting really out of hand with the sheer number of regressions I am running. Thanks a lot!
I am running an IV model using -ivreghdfe- by S. Correia (2018). I tried running ivregress2, but it short-circuits when I cluster my standard errors. I have given my code below:
local all `r(varlist)' local demog "i.religion educ_lvl age hhheadsex" local region "sexratio literacy" foreach var in y1 y2 y3{ foreach x in x1 x2 x3 { ivreghdfe `var' `demog' `region' (`x' = iv1 iv2), clust(region_name) first outreg2 using `x'.doc, append ctitle(`var') label addtext(Individual controls, Yes, AC Controls, Yes, Region Controls, Yes) keep(`x' ) } }