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  • -oaxaca- Gender Wage Gap


    I am analysing the gender wage gap in the UK using the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. I am including control variables for age, education, region etc. In a normal regression, I would add age squared as a control but I am not sure how to include this when using the -oaxaca- command. I will first perform a simple decomposition, only including age as a control in order to explain the intuition behind the method.

    I have created a variable for age^2 = age2 and this is the code I am currently using.

    oaxaca lnwage age age2, by(female) noisily
    Is this correct or is it better to drop the age^2?

  • #2
    That is correct, however keep in mind that interpreting squared parameters in OB decompositions is not easy.
    The aggregate decomposition, on the other hand will be better


    • #3
      Thank you!
      Yes, I am having some trouble interpreting the numbers, as the age squared is a large negative number and "age" suddenly became very large.

      Could you help me with the interpretation of these numbers?
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Blinder-Oaxaca_3.PNG
Views:	2
Size:	67.6 KB
ID:	1650561
      Attached Files


      • #4
        FernandoRios, I realised I forgot to mention you in the previous post.
        Thank you.


        • #5
          Hi Thea,
          they way I would interpret this:
          1. RAW Wage gap is 14.46% (or 0.1446 log points)
          2. Age affect = age+age2
          Endowment = 0.032008-0.0274666 =0.004
          Thus, Differences in age in the sample explain about 0.4% of the total
          3. Coefficients:
          Age+age2=1.188125-0.5179892 ~~ 0.67
          Constant = -.53
          All together, differences in coefficients account for 13% of the gap.
          You could also explain the 0.67 x 100, but it often makes little sense to interpret individual coefficients like that.


          • #6
            Thank you so much for explaining FernandoRios
            As you seem to have great knowledge about the -oaxaca-, I would like to ask you another question.

            I will perform another decomposition including a categorical variable for industry sector "indsect".
            It is coded as followed:
            (1) = Agriculture
            (2) = Energy and Water
            (3) = Manufacturing
            and so on..

            Can I include this in the decomposition like this:

            bysort year: oaxaca lnwage age age2 indsect, by(female) noisily
            Or should I create new industry dummies like this and then include those:
            gen agriculture = 0
            replace agriculture = 1 if indsect == 1

            Thank you in advance!

